It's all Gray

The stories and struggles of a girl with a book in one hand and junk food in the other...

Last Friday, in the middle of everything else that was happening, Jason's mom gave us each a chocolate bunny.  We tried to explain that we were eating healthy and she could give them to Karmen's (his brother's girlfriend) kids.  She insisted we take them.
Jason's bunny is no threat to him.  One of his new medications he takes for his back injury basically knocks his appetite away.  ( NOT FAIR)  My bunny on the other hand, had been calling to me all weekend, and yesterday I answered his call. I slowly  opened the brightly colored box, and when the seal was broken the aroma of chocolate took me away to a place, a marvelous place where for a few seconds, there was no guilt related to my  weakness.
It only lasted a few seconds, as I bit a chunk of cocoa flavored goodness from that poor still bunny, I chewed it up and swallowed my guilt...and realized that chocolate had tasted very good, but nothing in comparison to the feeling I have after a good workout.

With that, I removed the ear less bunny from his beautiful container and tossed he and the box in the garbage can separately to prevent any second thoughts and cravings for more temptation.

I guess the point of this is to admit that yesterday I had a moment of weakness and consumed some cocoa flavored bunny ears, but I overcame temptation, and removed it.  I would not have been able to do that if I hadn't received so many encouraging messages from all of you!

So thank you all so very much! I'm going to finish up some laundry, and then hit the treadmill!


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What's the story?

Besides my amazing husband ,my family ,my two dogs, and music (what can I say, I'm a big girl with a big heart so there's a lot I love) my two greatest loves in life are books and food. The food part however has been a life long struggle. So this blog will be used to track my journey through my bookshelf, and to my treadmill, and I need all of the support that I can get!

About me..

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Vassar, Michigan, United States
After 29 years of living as the fat girl, I am ready for a change.


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